Category Archives: Pilgerfahrt

Camino, Day 2, Roncesvales to Puente De Reina

Did 80 Km today, to compensate the 30 Km yesterday. We need to keep an average of 60 Km a day to have enough time to be back from Santiago to Saint Jean.
There were many highlights in today’s ride, but as I mentioned in my previous post, please go to the EyeCycled Facebook page for pictures and some details.
I will be adding everything together once I return to the UK.
Buen Camino!

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Camino, day 1, Saint Jean to Roncesvales

Before you start reading, I wrote this post 2 days ago as I was already tucked in my bunk bed, but as I was ready to post, I found out WiFi did not reach there and I was without mobile phone signal. Yesterday the same thing, but frankly I wouldn’t have written anything anyway. Too tired.
I’ve been posting pictures in my EyeCycled Facebook page ( and will leave that for later here as it is simply too complicated to move the pictures to the device I am using. Please like the page and keep checking if you want the visual experience.
Today was different and that is good.
I am typing this using a tablet computer and I”ve never been very good with virtual keyboards,so will try to keep it short. To anyone that might be following this, I’ll do a complete makeover of this posts adding video and writting a more elaborate post. WiFi is also practically non existant and mobile signal is very weak, so no pictures today I’m afraid. I’ve added some in the EyeCycled Facebook while on the way though (click on the right)
we left Saint Jean late, around 10:30am. After having watched some videos of people struggling to push their bikes up on the walkers route, we decided to stick to the road. Perhaps I’ll do the camino again by foot one day and then take the walkers route.
Having taken the road was the right decision. It was perhaps easier, but that is not to say it was easy. Something like 90% iofthe 30 Km that separate Saint Jean from Roncesvales is s up hill, the famous Pyrinees Mountains.
We also had light rain on the way which would make the walkers route even more challenging.
We arrived in Roncesvales at 4:00pm and stopped for a coffee. The top of the mountain was very windy and cold. During the coffee we decided to stay at the “Albergue”. The cost is 12 Euros and the Pilgrims mealis 10. Today’s menu was pasta, then fish with potatoes and the desert was some white cream. All with wine and water. Not bad.
Ha a shower and then went to see the Catholic mass in the chapel.
Tomorrow the plan is to ride to Pamplona or further. The is another big hill on the way, not as high but with a high incline.

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Arrived in Saint Jean Pied de Port

It was a long drive, following a sleepless night, so I am nacket. We had to drop our 2 car sharers in Biarritz and arrived in Saint Jean around 9:30pm having to rush to find some place to eat as the hostel closes at 10pm.


We are tucked in our beds and coincidently one of our room sharers is also Brazilian, from Rio.
Tomorrow the ride begins.

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