Tag Archives: Vargem Grande do Sul

Der Weg des Glaubens (O Caminho da Fé), Tag 4: Von Casa Branca nach Vargem Grande do Sul (D. Cidinha)

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Caminho da Fé – Faith’s Way: From Casa Branca to D. Cidinha’s Hostel via Vargem Grande do Sul [GPX File]

This GPX file shows my route on the 4th day of my Brazilian Faith’s Way (Caminho da Fé) between the town of Casa Branca to the rural hostel of Dona Cidinha, via the town of Vargem Grande do Sul, all in the federal state of São Paulo.

This route followed the yellow arrows, however, for some reason the distance measured by my Garmin Edge 820 was not the same as the distances shown in the official map of the Caminho.

Use at your own risk.

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