Portuguese Camino de Santiago

2. Camino de Santiago (Portuguese Way)

Index page of the Portuguese Way of the Camino de Santiago.

Lisbon to Santiago de Compostela – 24 August to 4 September 2019

This is just an index page to all blog posts I’ve publish about the “Portuguese Way” of the Camino de Santiago. All links open in a new tab.

If you don’t care about reading and just want to watch videos, this is the YouTube playlist of Videos recorded BEFORE and DURING the pilgrimage:

Blog Posts published BEFORE I started

  1. 19 Aug 2019: Vlog about the upcoming pilgrimage, recorded on the Green Mountain Bike Trail of the Swinley Forest, Bracknell, UK.

Blog Posts published AFTER the pilgrimage

  1. Introduction to the Camino Portuguese de Santiago (24/Apr/2020)
  2. Day 01 of 11 on the Camino Portuguese to Santiago (Composed of 2 stages.

Sorry, due to personal reasons had to put all video creation and posting on hold until further notice. If you have questions about the Portuguese Way to Santiago, please message me through the contact form below.

If you are planning to do this pilgrimage yourself, the links below point to other online resources that may aid in your preparation.

(All links will open in a new TAB)

Private Facebook group entitled "Camino Portuguese Pilgrims: At the time of writing there are 6,242 members, many of them active pilgrims in the Camino. I received very helpful advise here before doing my Camino.


Public Facebook Group about accommodation in the Camino.: At the time of writing there are 4,752 members. Please note this group is in Portuguese language ONLY!.


Wikipedia page for the Portuguese Way: Interesting historical information and pictures.


Full list of Accommodation for the Portuguese WayFull list of Pilgrim Accommodation in the Portuguese Way: This link opens a VERY useful Google Sheets list of pilgrim accommodation contining, at the time of writing, 537 records. The list contains phone numbers, Physical and web address (when available), number of beds, estimated cost and more. I recommend it!
The list is maintained by volunteers and regularly updated.


My expenses, places of accommodation and telemetry during the journeyGoogle Sheets Page with a list of all my expenses, as well as the telemetry captured during the journey (distances, altimetry, heart rate, etc): This link opens a Google Sheets Page (an online Spreadsheet, essentially) contining my expenses, the places I slept during the Camino as well as data such as the distances covered each day, the altimetry, heart rates and much more.


Camino Portugues, Gronze.comCamino Portugues Guide on Gronze.com: Gronze has become one of the best pages for those wanting to on Pilgrimage to Santiago. It contains guides for all Caminos. This link leads to the Portuguese Way page. Please note the site is in Spanish Language.


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