Tag Archives: United Kingdom

The Pilgrim's Way

Yes, it’s been a while since I wrote anything here…. Writer’s block, you ask? No, just lack of time and of course we’ve all been stuck in lockdown and have been unable to go on long trips!

But this is about to change now, as in a weeks’ time I’ll be cycling the Pilgrims Way here in the UK (going abroad is unadvisable due to the still-lingering coronavirus pandemic).

So, I decided… why not write something about this journey before I set off? Would be good for a “before v. after” comparison.

Canterbury Cathedral

In this post…

        1. Why the Pilgrims’ Way?
        2. What is the Pilgrims’ Way?
        3. How long is the Pilgrims’ Way?
        4. How many days will it take?
        5. How much is the pilgrimage expected to cost (budget)?
        6. Conclusion
        7. References

1. Why the Pilgrims’ Way?


I first became aware of the Pilgrims’ Way during the Canterbury Pilgrims Festival last year (2019). I was invited to participate as a panel member to talk about my cycling experiences – and also on the panel was Leigh Hatts, who has written a guidebook (for walkers) about the Pilgrims Way and is one of the leading experts on this pilgrimage. Since listening to his presentation, I have had the Pilgrims Way on the back-burner for when I had a few days off work (the route begins only 70km from my house – I could even drive to Winchester, ride for a few hours, drive back home and continue some other day from the point at which I stopped). Given what has happened in 2020, it is now a route that I am planning to do at a rather slow pace but in one trip, with time to visit other places in Kent (considered by some as the garden of England).

As usual, what attracts me in these cycling pilgrimages is not just one thing, but a combination of many. The route roughly follows the North Downs, known for its beautiful views. There are some challenging hills along the way, such as Box Hill in Surrey, and also some places where I might have to get the bike up some stairs (to cross railways and other obstacles), so there is the physical aspect of the challenge. Then there is the history… this route has been in use by human beings for at least 3,000 years, well before it became a pilgrimage route. For me it is also an important time for reflection and thinking, with a personal spiritual component in there as well.

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2. What is the Pilgrims Way?

This ancient route has existed for at least 3,000 years. It has probably been a track since the Stone Age (archaeological finds have shown it to have been in use at least since 600–450BC) and the Romans used it as one of the main traffic arteries to the West. It became a place of pilgrimage after the canonization of Thomas Becket in 1173. Becket, formerly a close friend of King Henry II, was assassinated on 29 December 1170 by four knights who apparently interpreted the King’s famous words ‘Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?’ as a royal command to kill him (which was allegedly not the King’s intent). Soon after his death, the faithful throughout Europe began venerating Becket as a martyr, and on 21 February 1173 (little more than two years after his death) he was canonised by Pope Alexander III in St Peter’s Church in Segni, Italy.

… and so, a pilgrimage route is born!

One important aspect of this pilgrimage is that (according to Leigh Hatts’ guide), as with the Camino de Santiago, there is more than one route. Leigh’s guidebook has walking instructions for those starting in Winchester Cathedral (the more traditional route), but also for those starting in London (Southwark), with the destination always being Canterbury Cathedral. The latter route was made famous by Chaucer’s pilgrims in The Canterbury Tales, studied by generations of English literature students!

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3. How long is the Pilgrims Way?

The route from Winchester Cathedral to Canterbury Cathedral is about 220km (137 miles) on foot (give or take a few kilometres/miles). I am still planning the cycling route as I write this post, but I can already tell you that the walkers’ route includes tracks there are impassable on a bike –  either because of obstacles that would be very difficult to surmount, or because cycling is forbidden on certain stretches – so I expect the cycling route to be about 10km longer than that taken by walkers.

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4. How many days will it take?

Well, I am planning to do it in four days, which is a comfortable average of around 57km a day. I will NOT, however, do an equal distance every day:

  • Day 1: From Winchester Cathedral to Farnham, about 53km.
  • Day 2: From Farnham to Westerham, about 73km.
  • Day 3: From Westerham to Lenham, about 60km.
  • Day 4: From Lenham to Canterbury Cathedral, about 35km

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5. How much is the pilgrimage expected to cost (budget)?

My budget is about £460. I have already booked accommodation for all four nights, including the night before in Winchester and two nights in Canterbury. That is a total of £270. I have not selected the cheapest possible accommodation: this is not a “Camino de Santiago” type of pilgrimage where there are pilgrim hostels in every little village. I expect to spend an average of £35 a day on food over four days: A total of £140. Adding another £50 for extras, this comes to a total of around £460. I’ll provide details, after the pilgrimage.

I am sure this can be done with a lot less money!

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6. Conclusion

Well, that’s it for now! I think I covered the basics, but there is more to tell you. I’ll keep that for the next blog post though.

If you like to comment or ask questions I will try to answer with the information I have at the moment – but keep in mind I have not done this ride yet, so the answers might be complete bollocks 🙂

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7. References:

Wikipedia on the Pilgrims Way: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilgrims%27_Way

Wikipedia on Saint Thomas Becket: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Becket

Pilgrims Way Page on the British Pilgrimage Trust: https://britishpilgrimage.org/portfolio/pilgrims-way-to-canterbury/

Pilgrims Way Page maintained by the Canterbury Cathedral: https://www.pilgrimswaycanterbury.org/

Page I got the Pilgrims Way GPX file from (walking route): https://www.walkingenglishman.com/ldp/pilgrimsway.html

Leigh Hatts’ Pilgrims’ Way Guidebook (Cicerone Press): https://www.cicerone.co.uk/the-pilgrims-way

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Mid-Autumn Night Ride around Bracknell

Download file: 2015-10-28_Night Ride Around Bracknell.gpx

I missed spinning class today again. It’s becoming a bad habit and bad habits need to be broken, so I decided I am going to try harder to cycle at least 2x (perhaps 3x) a week, no matter the weather.

Well, let’s make an exception for when is raining shall we?

So, it was about 6pm here and the sun had long gone. It was a really dark night today. Should I, perhaps, have chosen a more moon lit night to record the ride? I can always record it again.

Before you start watching the video, I have a few confessions to make:

  1. I lied! I am a member of a secret Ninja society (in my dreams at least).
  2. I am not, however, and never have been a thief, unless stealling female hearts count (in my dreams at least).
  3. I was a bit overdressed and when I got back home was dripping sweat. The weather has been very mild this week, but I prefer sweating a little than to feel cold… and once you’re out, you never really know what you´re going to get in this country.
  4. The sound quality of my speech at the start of the video was pretty bad, so I voiced over it in editing.
  5. This was essentially the same 21 Km route (with a few minor changes), I did with my children last weekend.

With that said, let´s go ride!

If you like the post or the video, feel free to, errr… “Like” and Share it on social media or click on the stars below to let me know how I am doing.

Thank you!

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EyeCycled from Twickenham Stadium to Richmond via Bushy Park, Kingston and Richmond Park + Teddington Lock

Twickenham Rugby Stadium
Twickenham Rugby Stadium

As my way to celebrate the Rugby world Cup happening in Twickenham this month, I got together with a friend and rode from the Twickenham Rugby Stadium to Richmond via some of London´s best landscapes.

For those that never been to London before, this side of London is not usually part of a 1 or 2 days visit, as most tourists will prefer to stay within Zones 1 and 2 where the most recognizable landmarks are (you know… Tower Bridge, Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Piccadilly, Trafalgar, etc, etc). Yet if you want to know how London works and the natural beauty the city has to offer these places are are a good option.

London is, I think, Western Europe´s biggest city. With a population of almost 7 million inhabitants (which for Europe is quite unusual when compared to Paris with just 2 million and Berlin with 3.5 million), London has managed to maintain an excellent balance between the grey of concrete and the green of nature. There are many parks and green areas in London and on this ride we cycled through 2 of them: Bushy Park and Richmond Park. We also cycled through the Crane park which is a small park part alongside the river Crane that got it´s name due to the bird and if you are patient you can still find several Crane nests alongside the river.

I think it´s fair to say that Bushy Park is not very well known to outsiders, yet it´s beauty is fantastic. There are water ways, fountains, tress, lots of green and plenty of deer roaming around.

Richmond park on the other hand is internationally known and is one of London´s biggest (perhaps the biggest) city inner park. A huge green area in the middle of the city much loved and used by its inhabitants, especially cyclists that come from all parts of the city and even outside London, like me, to appreciate the wonders that a bike ride provides. The only problem with Richmond park are the weekend drivers (sometimes a single person) that come to appreciate nature sitting inside their air-conditioned, fossil fuel powered mechanical monsters… no wonder Aliens might think of us as a highly inconsistent species 🙂

Sweet Delights.
Sweet Delights.

As we arrived in Richmond town centre we gave ourselves a treat of sorts in the form of a huge cappuccino and some tasty cakes (mine was a Black Forest), so this ride is divided in 2 sections:

Part 1 is from Twickenham Stadium to Richmond.

Download file: Twickenham Stadium to Richmond, via Bushy Park, Kingston and Richmond Park.gpx

Part 2 is after we finished with our delicious cake eating activities and continued on to the Teddington Lock alongside the river Thames.

Download file: Ride from Richmond to Teddington Locks.gpx

I hope you enjoy the videos and let me know if you have any questions by sending me a message through the contact form.

Thanks for visiting.

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