Don´t expect this to be a technical article about the bike. You can search Google for that and will find plenty of information (or you can click here), much more than my very limited technical knowledge can cover on it or any other bike, as a matter of fact.
This goes to all the Moms and Dads who have small kids that have outgrown their bicycle seats. After a very successful couple of years using the Wee Ride Kangaroo seat, somehow my youngest managed to outgrow it in what it seemed from one day to another (of course not). Fact is the seat was too small and although he has a junior 12″ bike with training wheels, it would not be fun to ride alongside him on that.

I was looking for something we could ride together and at a pace that would be safe to him, but not boring to me. I thought it would be a nice way to enjoy time with him and perhaps make him enjoy bike riding.
Tag-Along bikes are simple by design and don´t change much. The nice thing about this particular model is the 6 speed Shimano gears that helps children understand gearing at an early age and the fact that it has a foldable design, making it easier to fit in a car or in the shed.
The video below is the eternal footage of his very first ride on a bike without training wheels. By the nature of the internet, I wonder if this would be still available by the time he has kids of his own and if he would thank me for putting this online 🙂
A tag-along is a safe and great way for Mums and Dads to spend quality time with their children on a bike.