Prudential RideLondon Part 2

Prudential RideLondon 2015, Part 2 - Free Cycle Day

Download file: Prudential Ride London 2015 - Free Cycle Day.gpx

As promised here is the “Part 2” of the Prudential RideLondon which I did with my two sons on August 1st.

If you didn´t see part 1, click here.

It´s essentially the way back to Buckingham Palace from the Guerkin with a stop at the Leadenhall Market (which is close to the Guerkin), for some food. The ride back was much faster as there were not as many cyclists on the streets by that point.

The only edits made to the video were parts in which we took the wrong way for a moment and when we were stationary. Everything else is as it was on the day. Video is 33 min long, so feel free to jump around if you don´t want to see everything.

Unfortunately, we didn´t get to ride the part along the Thames as we were quite late and our ride home was already waiting for us. Something for 2016…

About one hour later we were back home, in Bracknell, and then watched on TV the professional woman cyclists ride this same route (or a part of it) and that was cool.

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